Publishing Your Story

Use a third-party platform to host your Choicelab story on the web.

Your story is written and built, and you're ready to publish it. While doesn't host stories here, here are a few great options to consider (a couple of which are free):


You can publish Choicelab projects for free using, a site for indie games. Once you've created an account, create a new project and do the following:

  1. In your story folder, select every file and folder except for the build folder. Compress these files into a .zip, then upload the .zip to the project.
  2. Under Edit game, make sure you're using these settings:
    • Kind of project: HTML
    • Frame options -> Enable Automatically start on page load
    • You may also consider enabling fullscreen and mobile support, which Choicelab supports by default (unless you've edited the CSS in a particular way).

Using Netlify

If you're using Git with your Choicelab story, you can publish it for free using Netlify, a service for hosting static sites:

  1. Commit your changes to Git.
  2. In Netlify, select your Git provider, authorize access to your repo, and select it. Leave all the settings as their defaults.

Using FTP

You can also upload a Choicelab story to a web server. In your story folder, select every file and folder except for the build folder. Upload the contents to the location on your web server where you'd like the story to live. That's it!