Action Reference

A guide to actions you can insert into your scenes.


The audio action plays an audio file, which you load via the src property. mp3 is the recommended format for Choicelab.

  • src: required Path to an audio file, stored in your story folder.
  • alt: Text describing the audio for closed captions.
[audio src="media/path_explainer_02.mp3" alt="You're standing on the beach..."]

CSS Beat

Targets an onscreen element, letting you add or remove classes. Useful for animating elements — like text or images — using CSS.

  • selector: required The element to change. You can use any CSS selector, but if the selector applies to multiple elements, only the first element will be selected.
  • addClass: Classes to add. Separate classes with spaces.
  • removeClass: Classes to remove. Separate classes with spaces.
[beat selector="h1.big" addClass="color-blue" removeClass="color-red"]

Continue Button

A continue button holds the current scene until pressed, at which point the scene will end. Continue buttons are automatically inserted into text-only scenes that don't feature any timing.

  • text: Text for the button. Defaults to "Continue" if unspecified.
[continue text="And then..."]


Creates a custom event that can be listened to in an external script. See Custom events for more details.

  • name: required The name of the event.
[event name="myCustomEvent"]


The image action loads an image file, which you specify via the src property. Most file types are supported, but JPEG or PNG are recommended.

  • src: required Path to an image file, stored in your story folder.
  • alt: Text describing the image for closed captions.
[image src="images/door.jpg" alt="The door in front of you."]

Response Audio

The response audio action can play an audio file after a player presses a certain button. You can specify multiple response audio actions, corresponding to different buttons. As with the audio action, mp3 files are recommended.

  • value: The value of the corresponding input button.
  • src: required Path to an audio file.
  • alt: Alternate text for the audio, which will appear automatically in closed captions.


You wake up with a spring in your step. It's a new day, and you're gonna seize it.

What do you do first?

> Make some coffee. [coffee]
> Go outside and take in the fresh air. [outside]

[response value="coffee" src="media/scene1-coffee.mp3" alt="Sound of footsteps, then pouring coffee"]

[response value="outside" src="media/scene1-nice.mp3" alt="Sound of a door opening, and birds chirping"]


The video action plays a video file, which you load via the src property. mp4 files are recommended.

  • src: required Path to a video file.
  • alt: Alternate text for the video, which will appear automatically in closed captions.
[video src="media/space-art.mp4"]